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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2024

Esl. U8. Vocabulary

1. air pollution, 2. plastic pollution, 3.melting ice scaps, 4. rubbish, 5. environment, 6. eco-friendly, 7. rising sea levels, 8. global warming, 9. eco-friendly, 10. environmentalist, 11. non-biogradable, 12. microparticle, 13. reduce, reuse, recycle, 14. ocean, 15. medical products, 16. single use, 17.replace


  1. Someone makes 10x more than you do in a 9-5 job because they have more "leverage" with their work. 2. Distraction is the greatest killer of success. It stunts and destroys your brain. 3. You shouldn't take advice from people who are not where you want to be in life. 4. No one is coming to save your problems. Your life's 100% your responsibility. 5. You don't need 100 self-help books, all you need is action and self discipline. 6. Unless you went to college to learn a specific skill (ie. doctor, engineer, lawyer), you can make more money in the next 90 days just learning sales. 7. No one cares about you. So stop being shy, go out and create your chances. 8. If you find someone smarter than you, work with them, don't compete. 9. Smoking has 0 benefit in your life. This habit will only slow your thinking and lower your focus. 10. Comfort is the worst addiction and cheap ticket to depression. 11. Don't tell people more than they need to know, respect your

Esl. U8(2) story

  The Future of the Present by Malini Venkataraman It was a sunny afternoon. Pinky and Chotu were bored. They had watched enough television and had finished their homework too. Just then, Chotu remembered his remote control car he bought years ago. He quickly ran to the storage room and looked for his car. Pinky followed him. As they were looking for the car, Pinky found a dusty, rusty old thing that looked like the remote of Chotu's car. 'Chotu! Look what I've found!" "It doesn't look like my car's remote control. Wait, what are these strange buttons?" 'Let's take it to Dad and show him," said Pinky. "I wonder what will happen if I press this?" said Chotu. "Don't!" shouted Pinky warily. Too late! Chotu pressed the button with his finger. They both felt dizzy. The only thing they is saw now was black and green. Their heads whirled. Rubbing their eyes, they were surprised to see their new surroundings. They were new

Esl. U8(1) Our plastic oceans Tiger

Plastic history Plastic is a strong material made by people. It has all kinds of uses and can be made into almost any shape. It is used to make airbags, bicycle helmets and medical products. All of these can save people's lives. Plastic problems But plastic is not biodegradable. Nearly every piece of plastic EVER made still exists today. Scientists think that 8.8 million tonnes of plastic waste goes into our seas every year! Plastic rubbish often blows into rivers, which then flow into the oceans. Over time the sea breaks the plastic into smaller parts called microparticles, which can hurt or kill marine life. Plastic solutions If we don't change our plastic habits, scientists think that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish! One million single-use plastic bottles are bought every minute around the world, so we need to reduce their use and replace them with bottles we can reuse. We need to use cloth bags instead of plastic bags to carry our shopping in, and

Fact file: Australia Tiger

  Facts and figures The population of Australia is 25 million. There are many different types of people and religions, and nearly one quarter of Australians were born in other countries. The Aboriginal people are the only people who are native to the country. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world and the main language is English. It has a land mass of nearly 7.7 million square kilometres. It is both a country and a continent. The currency is the Australian dollar, which is divided into 100 cents. Geography Australia has a varied landscape. Almost 20 per cent of Australia is desert. There it is hot and dry with hardly any rainfall. There are mountain ranges across the whole of the east coast, where the temperatures are sometimes below zero. There are also tropical rainforests in the north, where it's hot and humid. The amazing Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef and stretches for 2,000 km along the north-east coast. The total length of the Australi

Tiger Esl. U8 Why the Emu Can't Fly

  A traditional story from the Aboriginal people of Australia. Dinewan the Emu was big and strong with huge wings that carried him over great distances. His wife had lots of children each year and he was well-respected and feared. Like all powerful  ones, he also had some enemies, especially Goomblegubbon the Brush Turkey. He was jealous of Emu's power of flight and the way he could run swiftly over the vast plains without tiring. So he made a plan to hurt Emu, and he told no one about it except for his wife. He waited until he knew that Emu was going out on the plain to feed and he made  sure that he got there before him. He held his wings close by his body, ruffled up his feathers and sat on the ground where the grass was rich and long. When Emu had eaten a lot of grass and was in a good mood, Brush Turkey spoke to him. 'Hello, I want to tell you something that I think you should know. The other animals are wondering why a big, strong bird like you chooses to fly everywhere,