Esl. U8(2) story

 The Future of the Present

by Malini Venkataraman

It was a sunny afternoon. Pinky and Chotu were bored. They had watched enough television and had finished their homework too. Just then, Chotu remembered his remote control car he bought years ago. He quickly ran to the storage room and looked for his car. Pinky followed him. As they were looking for the car, Pinky found a dusty, rusty old thing that looked like the remote of Chotu's car.

'Chotu! Look what I've found!"

"It doesn't look like my car's remote control. Wait, what are these strange buttons?"

'Let's take it to Dad and show him," said Pinky.

"I wonder what will happen if I press this?" said Chotu.

"Don't!" shouted Pinky warily. Too late! Chotu pressed the button with his finger.

They both felt dizzy. The only thing they is saw now was black and green. Their heads whirled. Rubbing their eyes, they were surprised to see their new surroundings. They were new to them because they were in a completely new place!

They saw a big steel castle with strange machines sticking out of it. They both stood in front of three massive doors. They were red, green and blue.

Pinky and Chotu chose to enter through the blue door, which opened into a vast, deserted land. The place was empty. There were no people and there were hardly any trees. There were only some tall, thorny bushes.

"How terrible!" Chotu said to Pinky. "There's no greenery here at all! What is this place? Where have we come to?"

When Pinky turned her head, she saw a huge shadow cast over them.

A...a...a M-O-N-S-T-E-R!" shouted Chotu. They were scared so they started to run.

They tried to run away but they got tired. They stood helplessly in front of the monster. They looked closely at it. It was made of junk and electronic waste. It smelt horrible!

'Please don't do anything to us, begged Pinky.

"Ha, ha, ha!" laughed the monster loudly. "I am the garbage monster! And you humans created me. You threw all your waste on the Earth, you cut down trees and made mountains of electronic waste. You created a concrete jungle and you created me!"

Neither of the children could say a word. They felt very ashamed.

"Yes,' said Chotu. 'We are sorry for our behaviour. We realise now the effect of our actions and irresponsibility.

Please let us go and we will see that everyone will now take care of the environment because the health of the Earth is our future, and nature matters!"

A strong wind started to blow and pulled them back to their room. We're home!" said Pinky.

They both realised they had travelled to the future.

'We have to do something to save the Earth," said Chotu.

'I have an idea! Let's make a list of Earth promises to help protect our environment."

"That's a great idea,' said Pinky. They both sat down and started to write their promises.

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